Hallowed Isles – trailer 1

Bullers Albatross diving near the Chatham Islands.

Bullers Albatross diving near the Chatham Islands.

We live in interesting times. We can still see our inheritance, the rich natural world that spawned us, but as our use and miss-use of this planet grows so does our need to find new ways to live off and with the natural world. The green movement of the past half a century has owned these issues in the eye of the western media at least. But stronger forces underly our behaviours that drive deeper than the any hue of politics or ideology.

Hallowed Isles is a film that attempts to explore those forces.

Together with my good friend and filmmaking partner Luke Padgett, I spent January and some of February this year out on the Chatham Islands filming a series of short films for the Chathams Islands Heritage Restoration Trust. On the back of that project we were able to put together a feature length film. I’ve made plenty of short format films myself but my work on longer format or feature length films has always been restricted to role of cameraman, DOP and the like. Making a whole film yourself of this size was, as I should have realised, quite an undertaking! But the stresses were equalled by the pleasures of crafting our own score, complete control over the script and cinematic look of the whole film. The film is not due for release but for Conservation Week 2014 in New Zealand this year we are allowing a few sneak previews. This is the first trailer:

~ by motolorax on October 15, 2014.

One Response to “Hallowed Isles – trailer 1”

  1. Love the trailer and would like to see the film but all seats filled at the Wellington viewing. When are you releasing it for public viewing? Have an elderly friend who ha s been involved with the Chathams and the Taiko and he would be delighted to see the film.

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